Thursday's Child

I love Thursdays.  No, really.  I LOVE Thursdays.  No swim practice.  No appointments.  PJ's all day long.  Ahhhh.  I am Thursday's child.  {And yes, I know that the Thursday's Child of the nursery rhyme has nothing to do with staying in your pj's all day...}

Thursdays will become a bit more exciting in a few weeks, though.  Katherine and her homeschool buddies Hannah and Ella will once again be enrolled at the University of Houston's Children's Art Program.  And that means that Colleen and I get to have MOM TIME and eat at one of our favorite lunchtime haunts while the girlies are studying, learning and creating!  Those Thursdays are so worth getting out of my pj's!

But as for this Thursday, I'm grateful for this time to relax, take it easy with our lessons and just enjoy the day. 

Here's to your special day -- be blessed!

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